Rejlers contributes to important research building in Norway - Börskollen
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Rejlers contributes to important research building in Norway


Rejlers Norway has been commissioned by ON Energi to design a high-voltage power plant for one of the most advanced marine technology research and education facilities in the world, The Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre in Trondheim.

Rejlers will assist in the design of a 22 kW power plant that will be connected to the new building, as well as the necessary alterations to the existing 22 kW plant on the premises.

“We are proud to have been chosen for this project. The Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre is the most complex and high-tech building planned for the research and higher education sector. It will involve our most important contribution to business and society: smart and reliable energy solutions for projects with a focus on sustainability”, says Nicolas A. Hall, Head of Energy at Rejlers Norge.

Hent is the main contractor for the project. Rejlers will advise ON Energi on the design of the transformer room in the building, calculations for ventilation requirements, as well as the design of transformer sumps and thermal simulation for different trenches. Furthermore, the company will help in the quality assurance of the 22kW plant and that it complies with applicable requirements and regulations. Rejlers will provide resources, expertise and insight into the agreement.

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, will own and operate the Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre, which when completed in 2027 will be a national knowledge centre, with a world-leading education and research environment and new laboratories. The world-leading research group at the Department of Marine Technology at NTNU and research partner SINTEF Ocean will, among other things, develop new technology for the green transition of the marine sector, including monitoring the ocean, developing sustainable food solutions, renewable energy and environmentally-friendly ships.

For further information, please contact:
Petter Arnesen, CEO, Rejlers Norge AS, +47 95 19 53 17,
Malin Sparf Rydberg, Director of Communications, Rejlers Group, +46 70 477 17 00,

About Rejlers
Rejlers is one of the leading engineering consultancy firms in the Nordic region. With cutting-edge expertise, we help companies, public authorities and other organisations meet tomorrow's societal challenges. Our services are important building blocks for achieving a sustainable society. Founded in 1942, Rejlers success is built on the ability to constantly embrace new knowledge. Our vision "Home of the learning minds" guides us to continuous learning, development and growth. With operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the United Arab Emirates, Rejlers has around 3300 experts in technology areas such as energy, industry, infrastructure and real estate. In 2022, the company had a turnover of 3.5 billion SEK and its class B share is listed on Mid Cap, Nasdaq Stockholm.

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