REC Silicon - Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting
May 2, 2022: An Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of REC Silicon ASA (REC Silicon) was held today at 13:00 CET, as a digital meeting with online participation. Minutes of the meeting are attached and available on
The Extraordinary General Meeting approved, as follows from the minutes, the election of Mr. Koo Yung LEE as chairperson of the board of directors and Mr. Maeng Yoon KIM as deputy chair of the board of directors. The Extraordinary General Meeting also approved the election of Dr. Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz and Ms. Heike Heiligtag as members of the board of directors.
The election will take effect from the completion of the share purchase by Hanwa Solutions Corporation in Rec Silicon ASA that was announced on 23 March 2022.
For further information, please contact:
Nils O. Kjerstad
IR Contact
Phone: +47 9135 6659
Email: [email protected]
About REC Silicon
REC Silicon is a leading producer of advanced silicon materials, delivering high-purity polysilicon and silicon gas to the solar and electronics industries worldwide. We combine 30 years of experience and proprietary technology with the needs of our customers, with annual production capacity of more than 20,000 MT of polysilicon from our two US-based manufacturing plants. Listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: RECSI), the Company is headquartered in Fornebu, Norway.
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