Quarterly Report Four 2024 - Börskollen
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Quarterly Report Four 2024



Multi-Year Overview, Group Q4 2024 Q4 2023 2024 2023
Net Sales (MSEK) 12,2 10,2 47,0 47,3
EBITDA (MSEK) 0,9 −0,1 3,1 −1,5
Profit After Financial Items (MSEK) 0,3 −0,7 0,5 −11,1
Total Assets (MSEK) 11,7 12,6 11,7 12,6
Equity Ratio (%) 68,0% 70,7% 68,0% 70,7%
Earnings Per Share (SEK) 0,01 −0,02 0,02 −0,34

Multi-Year Overview, Parent Q4 2024 Q4 2023 2024 2023
Net Sales (MSEK) 0,2 0,0 0,2 0,6
EBITDA (MSEK) −0,2 −0,4 −0,9 −1,1
Profit After Financial Items (MSEK) −0,2 −0,5 −1,0 −7,9
Total Assets (MSEK) 16,0 12,7 16,0 12,7
Equity Ratio (%) 65,0% 77,9% 65,0% 77,9%
Earnings Per Share (SEK) −0,01 −0,01 −0,03 −0,24

Significant Events During the Period

  • No significant events during the period.

Significant Events After the Period

  • The outcome of the additional purchase price for the acquisition of the subsidiary W&IT Solutions amounted to 1.5 MSEK.

CEO’s Statement

When I assumed the role of CEO in December 2023, I stepped into a company with strong fundamentals but also with a clear mission: to drive growth, ensure positive cash flow, and strategically invest in the future. During my first year in the role, we have made significant progress in all these areas. Not only have we achieved growth, but we have also secured a stable operational cash flow, enabling both debt amortization and increased investments in research and development (R&D).

Continued Growth and Strengthened Market Position
During the fourth quarter of 2024, we have maintained our high pace of development, both by launching new applications and improving existing solutions. Our focus has been on creating products that enhance e-retailers’ ability to scale their businesses and drive more profitable sales.

To accelerate this development, we have also initiated efforts to further develop and strengthen our organization. By reinforcing key functions and adding strategic resources in both business development and product development, we are creating the conditions to increase the pace of our commercial expansion and drive innovation at a faster rate.

We must not forget the existing retail business I inherited, which provides a stable foundation and generates important cash flow. This stable cash flow is a key part of our plan and enables the investments we are making in our expanding business areas.

In Q4 2024, PixelFox achieved net sales of 12.2 MSEK (10.2 MSEK), an increase of approximately 20 percent, reinforcing our position as a growing player in e-commerce solutions. The Group’s EBITDA amounted to approximately 0.9 MSEK, compared to -0.1 MSEK the previous year, demonstrating our ability to combine growth with profitability.

On a full-year basis, we see an even clearer improvement. Revenue amounted to 47.0 MSEK (47.3 MSEK), while EBITDA increased to 3.1 MSEK compared to -1.5 MSEK the previous year – a significant improvement of approximately 307 percent. These results reflect the direction we have taken during 2024 – creating sustainable and profitable growth through a combination of product development, cost efficiency, and cash flow optimization.

Strategic Direction and R&D Investments
During 2024, we have placed great emphasis on strengthening our product portfolio and accelerating our R&D activities. Shopify applications have been a particular focus area, where we have invested in improving functionality, integrations, and user experience throughout the year. We are seeing a strong increase in demand for specialized solutions that help e-retailers automate processes, analyze customer behaviors, and optimize their businesses. Our strategy is built on three key areas:

Product development and innovation – By continuously improving and expanding our offering within the Shopify ecosystem, we strengthen our competitiveness and create new revenue opportunities.

Profitable growth through acquisitions and divestments – We continuously evaluate opportunities to strengthen our portfolio through strategic acquisitions while optimizing our existing assets.

Efficient capital allocation and cash flow management – By ensuring a strong financial foundation, we can continue investing in future growth without compromising profitability.

Future Outlook
With a strong first year as CEO behind me, I look forward to continuing to lead PixelFox through the next phase of growth and development. We have established a solid foundation with a clear strategy, and I am confident that we have the right conditions to continue growing and creating long-term value for our shareholders, customers, and employees.

A central part of our strategy going forward is to leverage our positive operational cash flow to invest in assets that can increase the company’s value and results over time. By identifying and investing in strategic assets that strengthen our market position and generate stable revenue, we can ensure sustainable growth and long-term profitability.

Furthermore, we see opportunities to expand into new strategic areas and sectors, where we can leverage our expertise in digital solutions and create innovative products for new market segments. By broadening our focus and exploring synergies with other industries, we strengthen our long-term competitiveness and diversify our revenue streams.

For further information, please contact:
Robin Bäcklund
Chief Executive Officer
PixelFox AB (publ)
[email protected]

PixelFox AB (publ)
The business idea of PixelFox AB (publ) is to operate, develop, and acquire services and companies within e-commerce, SaaS, retail, and industry, and the company's vision is to become a leading player in their respective niches.

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Interim Report Q4 - 2024 - Pixelfoxhttps://mb.cision.com/Main/21088/4107802/3273023.pdf

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