Proposals of QPR Software Plc’s Shareholders’ Nomination Committee to the Annual General Meeting 2023
QPR Software Plc: Proposals of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board to the Annual General Meeting 2023
The Shareholders' Nomination Committee of QPR Software Plc submits the following proposals to the Annual General Meeting, which is planned to be held on May 3, 2023. The proposals will be also included in the annual general meeting invitation, which will be announced later.
Number of board members
The nomination committee proposes to the annual general meeting that the number of board members is confirmed as four (4).
Electing Board members and the Chairman
The Board's Nomination Committee proposes to the annual general meeting that Pertti Ervi, Matti Heikkonen, Antti Koskela, and Jukka Tapaninen will be re-elected as Board members. All the nominees have given their consent to the position, and they are independent of the company and of the company’s significant shareholders.
Furthermore, the Nomination Committee proposes to the annual general meeting that Pertti Ervi will be elected as the Chairman of the Board.
Information about the experience and previous positions of the persons proposed as Board members is available on QPR's website at:
Deciding on the remuneration of the Board members
The Board's Nomination Committee proposes that the remuneration of the Board members will be kept unchanged. According to the proposal, the Chairman of the Board will be paid 45,000 euros per year and the other Board members 25,000 euros per year. About 40% of the above-mentioned board fees are paid in shares and 60% in cash. The shares will be handed over as soon as possible after the annual general meeting and if the insider regulations allow it.
Furthermore, the Nomination Committee proposes that the members of the Board of Directors will be reimbursed for travel and other expenses incurred while they are managing the company's affairs.
Composition of the shareholders' Nomination Committee
In accordance with the decision of QPR Software Plc's annual general meeting, the Nomination Committee consists of three (3) members who, according to the list of shareholders kept by Euroclear, were the largest shareholders and whose share of the votes produced by all QPR Software's shares is the largest on August 31 of the year preceding the annual general meeting.
The shareholders' Nomination Committee is chaired by Roger Kempe, Oy Finncorp Ab, Erkki Myllärniemi, UMO Capital Oy, and Eero Leskinen, representing Vesa-Pekka Leski.
More information:
Roger Kempe
Chairman of the shareholders' Nomination Committee of QPR Software Plc
Tel. +358400404071
About QPR Software
QPR Software Plc (Nasdaq Helsinki) provides process mining, performance management, and enterprise architecture solutions for digital transformation, strategy execution, and business process improvement in over 50 countries. QPR software allows customers to gain valuable insights for informed decisions that make a difference.
Nasdaq Helsinki
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