Börskollen - Aktier, fonder och ekonominyheter


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Prof. Gabriela Godaly will present valuable insights into the pressing global issues of tuberculosis and antibiotic resistance at the 178th Nobel Symposium in Chemistry in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Professor Gabriela Godaly is working with Hamlet BioPharma  to develop  a new therapeutic concept to combat tuberculosis through the use of a bactericidal peptide. The drug candidates has demonstrated potent effects in animal models. Tuberculosis is one of the top ten causes of death world-wide and the growing problem of drug resistance is seriously affecting the treatment options for this patient group.

The Nobel Symposium in Chemistry october 23-27, 2023 is a collaborative initiative led by the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) and Stellenbosch University and is organized in partnership with the Nobel Foundation and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, with generous support from the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The symposium aims to explore topics ranging from fundamental drug discovery to clinical applications.


Event Details:

  • Title: Novel treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Date: Thursday, October 26th
  • Time: 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM (SAST)
  • Presenter: Gabriela Godaly, Lund University, Sweden


For more information about the coference, please click


For further information, please contact: 

Gabriela Godaly, Professor, MIG Department, Institution of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University, Sweden


Catharina Svanborg, Chairman and Founder of Hamlet BioPharma, +46-709 42 65 49



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