Production report for January 2025 - Börskollen
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Production report for January 2025

Oslo, 28 February 2025

        January 2025December 2024
OperatedBoepd (1)Bopd (1)Boepd (1)Bopd (2)
Colombia 623446594418
Total operated1,9656642,502662
Total equity9913841,217377

(1)   Barrels of oil equivalents per day (includes liquid and gas)
(2)   Barrels of oil per day (represents only liquids)
[boepd]: barrels of oil equivalents per day (includes liquid and gas)
[Operated]: 100% field production operated by Interoil
[Equity]        : Interoil’s share production net of royalties.

Production Summary

Interoil’s daily average total operated production for January was 1,965 boepd, reflecting a decrease of 537 boepd when compared with December.

Decline is primarily attributed to our operations in Argentina (-566 boepd) while operations in Colombia had a modest increase (+ 29 boepd).

Country-Specific Highlights


Gas production was primarily affected by the breakdown of two compressor engines, which required the custom fabrication of replacement parts. These parts arrived to the field in February. Consequently, gas production experienced a sustained decrease from January until the repair of the damaged compressors in February.


In January, the Vikingo-1 well achieved an average daily production of 196 boepd, effectively offsetting the natural depletion at Puli C and contributing an additional 30 boepd. Currently, the workover rig has completed the intervention of the MN-11 well, the first planned for this campaign in Puli C Fields. This intervention involved the replacement of downhole equipment, including tubing, pump, and rods.

This campaign, which includes at least four additional planned interventions in the Puli C Fields, aims to recover as much as 50 bopd and 600 kscfpd of gas.

Additional information

Further details about production performance are shown in the attached document. The graphs and tables illustrate both operated and equity production of oil and gas by country. “Operated production” refers to the total output from fields operated by Interoil, while “Equity production” refers to Interoil’s share of production, net of royalties.

Note: This report complies with disclosure requirements outlined in sections 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Please direct any further questions to [email protected]
Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company - listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with focus on Latin America. The Company is operator and license holder of several production and exploration assets in Colombia and Argentina with headquarter in Oslo.


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