Positive profit warning: Dovre Group Plc raises its net sales and EBIT guidance
Dovre Group Plc Stock exchange release September 23, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Positive profit warning: Dovre Group Plc raises its net sales and EBIT guidance
Dovre Group Plc raises its net sales and EBIT guidance for 2021:
Due to positive development in our main markets, Dovre Group’s net sales in 2021 is expected to be more than EUR 125 million (2020: 77 million) and the operating profit (EBIT) is expected to be more than EUR 4.5 million (2020: 2.4).
Previous guidance for 2021 (issued in the Trading Statement on April 28, 2021 and in the half-year report on July 28, 2021):
Dovre Group’s net sales in 2021 is expected to be more than EUR 110 million (2020: 77 million) and the operating profit (EBIT) is expected to be more than EUR 3.5 million (2020: 2.4).
Dovre Group publishes its Trading Statement for January–September 2021 on Wednesday, October 27, 2021.
For further information, please contact:
Dovre Group Plc
Arve Jensen, CEO
Tel. +47 90 60 78 11
[email protected]
Dovre Group is a global provider of project management services. Dovre Group has three business areas: Project Personnel, Consulting and Renewable Energy. Dovre Group has offices in Canada, Finland, Norway, Singapore, Russia and the US, and employs about 900 people worldwide. Dovre Group is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (symbol: DOV1V). Website: www.dovregroup.com
Nasdaq Helsinki
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