Physitrack ranked #2 among listed Nordic companies for growth efficiency

Physitrack is ranked as #2 among listed Nordic companies for growth efficiency, with an E40 of 112,38%, according to a new report by the software company Upsales. E40 is a KPI that balances revenue growth against profitability and has been widely recognised as a way to determine the performance of SaaS companies.
Upsales has published a study on the most effective listed B2B SaaS companies in the Nordic region. The report ranks 49 companies and has Physitrack coming in second, with an E40 of 112,38%. The E40 metric derives from “The rule of 40” which builds on the principle that a company's combined growth rate and profit margin should exceed 40%. The report also features an interview with Physitrack’s CEO, Henrik Molin.
”We are proud and happy that Physitrack’s solid financial performance, based on a strong cost-and-efficiency culture, is being recognised. This speaks to the sustainability of our business model, as we continue to enhance both our SaaS and our Virtual Care offerings”, says Henrik Molin, CEO and Co-founder of Physitrack.
The findings include publicly listed SaaS companies in the Nordics, with revenues above €2,5M and operations within the B2B industry. The data comes from their Q4 2021 or yearly financial report. Calculations were made in the domestic currency. Net revenue TTM has been converted from domestic currency to euro, based on the average mid-market exchange rate on 18th March 2022.
The report in its entirety can be read here:
For further information, please contact:
Adam Nilsson, Investor relations: [email protected]. +46 (0) 70 746 44 21
About Physitrack
Physitrack, founded in 2012, is a global digital healthcare provider, mainly focused on the B2B physiotherapy and musculoskeletal care market. With staff on four continents, customers in 17 time zones, and patients in 187 countries, we are a truly global company.
The company has two business lines:
1. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based software platform tailored to physiotherapy and musculoskeletal care, encompassing clinical home exercises, education prescription, outcomes tracking, triaging and Telehealth.
2. Virtual care powered by the Physitrack technology platform where we have in-house physiotherapists and corporate wellness practitioners in the UK, the Nordics and Germany.
Physitrack is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (PTRK).
FNCA Sweden AB is the appointed Certified Adviser of Physitrack.
[email protected], +46 8 528 00 399