Physitrack Plc Announces Enhanced Integration with Largest US Hospital EMR Provider in Collaboration with US-Based Hospital Group
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Physitrack Plc Announces Enhanced Integration with Largest US Hospital EMR Provider in Collaboration with US-Based Hospital Group

London, February 21, 2025 – Physitrack Plc, a leading provider of digital health solutions, today announces the development of a new feature for its flagship home exercise prescription platform as part of a €25,000 sponsored development deal with a US-based hospital group. The feature will enable a seamless back-end integration between the Physitrack platform and the most widely used electronic medical record (EMR) system in the US hospital operator market, ensuring that patient data and documents are effortlessly shared between the two systems.

This integration enhances the efficiency and accessibility of patient information for healthcare providers by introducing tailored flow sheets that capture relevant data from the Physitrack platform and add them directly as patient notes within the EMR. Additionally, PDF integration centralizes document management, streamlining workflows and improving collaboration across care teams.

Henrik Molin, CEO of Physitrack, commented:

“We are delighted to announce this development, which not only strengthens our collaboration with a major hospital group but also enhances the functionality of our platform in a way that benefits healthcare providers and patients alike. By integrating seamlessly with the biggest EMR provider in the US hospital space, we are furthering our mission to drive digital transformation in healthcare, making it easier for providers to manage patient care efficiently.”

These sponsored development projects are of strategic importance to Physitrack as they drive innovation and expand the platform’s feature set while strengthening integration with a major EMR provider. Such integrations open doors to broader commercial distribution opportunities while simultaneously benefiting all stakeholders. This deal represents a win-win-win scenario:

• The US hospital provider gains enhanced functionality, improving patient data accessibility.

• Physitrack generates revenue specifically for the development of the feature while strengthening the value of its distribution potential through the EMR provider.

• The wider EMR-based user base benefits from an improved platform with an expanded feature set.

This latest development underscores Physitrack’s commitment to advancing digital health solutions that empower healthcare providers with seamless, efficient, and scalable technology.

A Spotlight interview on the subject with CEO & co-founder Henrik Molin can be found here:

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Physitrack Plc Announces Enhanced Integration with Largest US Hospital EMR Provider in Collaboration with US-Based Hospital Group

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