Photocat calls Annual General Meeting 2022
Photocat A/S Annual General meeting 2022
The Board of Photocat A/S, Danish CVR No 32 35 79 03 (the “Company”) hereby convenes an annual general meeting to be held
24th May 2022 at 16.00 CET at Mazanti-Andersen, Amaliegade 10
DK-1256 København K or by Teams as a virtual meeting
In accordance with Article of Association, 9.2
1.The Board’s report on the activities of the Company
2. Presentation of the annual report for adaptation
3. Resolution on the appropriation of profit or covering of loss
pursuant to the adopted annual report
4. Election of members for the Board of Directors
5. Appointment of auditor
6. Any other business
Re 1. The Board’s report on the activities of the Company
The report of the Board on the business of the Company during the most recent financial year.
Re 2. Presentation of the annual report for adaptation
The Board recommends that the presented annual report be adopted.
Re 3 Resolution on the appropriation of profit or covering of loss pursuant to the adopted annual report
The presented annual report per May 9th 2022 shows:
Net loss for the year DKK 2.160.360
Total assets DKK 18.471.742
Equity DKK 11.303.438
The Board recommends that the motion for covering of loss in the annual report be adopted.
Re 4 Election of members for the Board
Board member Jens Rom has decided to resign.
The Board recommends re-election of the following Board members:
(i) Mette Therkildsen
(ii) Tom Weidner
(iii) Theis Reenberg
For information on the board members’ other managerial posts and competences, please visit the Company’s website.
Re 5 Appointment of auditor
The Board recommends re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
6. Any other business
Rules and Instructions
Voting requirements for passing resolutions
The motions under items 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Agenda are passed by a simple majority of votes, see section 105 of the Companies Act and Article 15.1 of the Articles of Association.
Share capital and voting rights
At the time of the notice convening the general meeting, the share capital of Photocat A/S is nominally DKK 5.250.000 divided into shares of each DKK 1. At the general meeting, a share amount of DKK 1 carries one vote, see Article 14.1 of the Articles of Association
Registration (admission card) and power of attorney
A shareholder’s right to attend and vote at the general meeting is determined on the basis of the number of shares held by the shareholder in question at the date of registration. The date of
registration is one week before the general meeting. Attending the general meeting also requires that the shareholder has requested an admission card to the general meeting at least 3 days before the
meeting. An admission card is issued to a shareholder who is registered in the register of shareholders at the date of registration or to a person from whom, at the date of registration, the Company has received proper notice for the purpose of entry into the register of shareholders.
The admission card is sent by e-mail accompanied by link to attend the virtual general meeting.
Shareholders holding shares in the Company at the date of registration are entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting. The date of registration is Wednesday 18th May 2022. The shareholding of a shareholder at the date of registration is determined on the basis of the number of shares held by the shareholder according to the register of shareholders and of the notices to the Company concerning shares which have not yet been registered in the register of shareholders but which have been received by the Company before the end of the date of registration (at the end of the day).
For attending the general meeting, it is a condition that, at least 3 days prior to the general meeting, the shareholder or his/her attorney has obtained an admission card to him/herself and his/her advisor. Admission card to the general meeting (including a link to attend virtually) can be obtained by contacting the Company, Langebjerg 4, DK, 4000 Roskilde, [email protected] or [email protected], telephone: +45 2210 2517/+45 7022 5055 until Friday May 20th 2022 at 23.59.
A shareholder being prevented from attending the general meeting may issue a power of attorney to the Board or a named third party. Where a shareholder chooses to attend the general meeting by proxy, the power of attorney must be completed, signed and returned to the Company, Langebjerg 4, DK-4000 Roskilde, or [email protected] to the effect that the power of attorney is received by the Company by Friday 20th May 2022 at 23.59.
Access to information
This notice convening the general meeting with its agenda, complete motions and annual report will be available for inspection by the shareholders at the Company’s website ( and at
the Company’s offices, Langebjerg 4, DK-4000 Roskilde, tel +45 7022 5055 as from Monday 9th May 2022.
Questions from shareholders
Shareholders may pose questions in writing as regards the agenda and any document for the annual general meeting by contacting the Company’s offices, Langebjerg 4, DK-4000 Roskilde, tel +45 7022 5055 or by sending an email to [email protected] or [email protected].
Roskilde, 9th May 2022
The Board of Directors
General Meeting in Photocat A/S
May 24th 2022 at 16.00
I, name and undersigned: __________________________, shareholder in Photocat A/S
Name: ___________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________
Country: __________________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________
will attend the general meeting in Photocat A/S on May 24th 2022 at 16.00
Date: _______________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Your registration is valid when you have received your admission card by e-mail
Power of Attorney
General Meeting in Photocat A/S
May 24th 2022 at 16.00
I, name and undersigned: __________________________ shareholder in Photocat A/S
hereby give power of attorney to
Name: ___________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________
Country: __________________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________
to attend the general meeting in Photocat A/S on May 24th 2022 at 16.00 on my behalf.
Date: _________________________________________________
Shareholders name in capital letters: _________________________
Your registration is valid when you have received your admission card by e-mail