Photocat and sustainable utility company Nextera to test Photocat’s self-cleaning glass solution to reduce soiling effects in one of Nextera photovoltaic parks in California
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Photocat and sustainable utility company Nextera to test Photocat’s self-cleaning glass solution to reduce soiling effects in one of Nextera photovoltaic parks in California

August 29th 2022

Photocat and sustainable utility company Nextera to test Photocat’s self-cleaning glass solution to reduce soiling effects in one of Nextera photovoltaic parks in California

Photocat A/S (publ) has agreed with Nextera inc to test Photocat’s Shine-On proprietary product to evaluate its potential with respect to reducing production losses due to soiling. It is in general the perception that soiling can have negative production impact on photovoltaic panels (PV). Further it is becoming increasingly expensive to clean the PV panels on site. This has motivated Nextera to test the benefits of Photocat’s product.

The test will run two years from now. The idea is to study if the loss of productivity is less with shineon coated PV panels compared to non-cleaned PV panels as well as newly cleaned PV panels. Results will be measured every six months. If the demonstrated results are positive, Nextera expects to use the technology for PV parks wherever possible. Nextera is amongst the largest operators and owners of PV parks in the world.

Michael Humle, CEO Photocat, comments: “I am proud to see that the Photocat team can work together with such a well-reputed company like Nextera to add value to the green agenda” .

The engine and technology core in ShineOn is the same as Photocat use to improve Air Quality in its NOxOFF offerings. The trial will have no short term impact on Photocat’s results.

If you have questions to this announcement, please contact:

Michael Humle, CEO:, +45 2210 2523

Pernille F. Andersen, IR:, +45 3093 1887

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at CET 09.00 on 29th August 2022.

About Photocat
Photocat manufactures patented coating materials for both outdoor and indoor applications with the effect to degrade NOx and VOC´s when exposed to light. Both NOx and VOC’s are severely damaging to human health. Photocat’s patented technology is a very efficient and an economically viable alternative to many of the traditional technologies targeting NOx. Photocat’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, First North with the ticker symbol PCAT. The company’s Certified Advisor is Mangold Fondkommission AB, 08-50301550 –

Photocat A/S (publ) l Langebjerg 4 DK-4000 Roskilde l Tel: +45 7022 5055 l


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