Össur hf: Transactions in Relation to Share Buyback Program - Börskollen
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Össur hf: Transactions in Relation to Share Buyback Program

Announcement no. 50/2022

29 August 2022

Transactions in relation to share buyback program

On 14 February 2022, Össur hf. initiated a share buyback program (“Program”), see Company Announcement no. 05/2022.

The purpose of the Program is to reduce the Company’s share capital and adjust the capital structure by distributing capital to shareholders in line with the Company’s Capital Structure and Capital Allocation Policy. The Program will end no later than 23 December 2022, but the Company is entitled to discontinue the Program at any time. The Company may purchase up to 2,000,000 shares under the Program, corresponding to 0.47% of the current share capital. The total consideration for shares purchased under the Program shall not exceed USD 10 million.

The following transactions have been made under the Program in the period 22 August 2022 – 26 August 2022.

Date No. of shares Avg. purchase price in DKK Transaction value in DKK
22 August 2022  14,050 28.86 405,539
23 August 2022  14,826 28.87 427,960
24 August 2022  6,616 28.71 189,966
25 August 2022  2,622 28.80 75,514
26 August 2022  13,840 28.88 399,766
Total                       51,954 28.85 1,498,744

Össur has acquired 1,713,420 shares under the Program at the average price of DKK 34.12. Following the above transactions, Össur holds 2,326,533 shares, corresponding to 0.55% of the Company’s total share capital.

The Program on Nasdaq Copenhagen is carried out in accordance with Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse ("MAR"), and the Commission’s delegated regulation 2016/1052.

Further information

Edda Lára Lúðvígsdóttir, Investor Relations Director, [email protected], +354 844 4759

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About Össur

Össur (Nasdaq Copenhagen: OSSR) is a global leader in non-invasive orthopaedics that helps people live a Life Without Limitations. A recognized “Technology Pioneer” with a rich 50-year history, Össur focuses on improving people’s mobility through the delivery of innovative technologies in Prosthetics and Bracing & Supports. Significant investment in research and development have led to over 2,000 patents, award-winning designs, successful clinical outcomes, and consistently strong market positions. Össur is signatory to the UN Global Compact, UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and became Carbon Neutral in 2021. Össur operates globally and employs around 4,000 employees. www.ossur.com

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Share Buyback Transactions 22 08 2022 - 26 08 2022https://mb.cision.com/Main/18404/3622327/1620530.pdf

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