Oriola is renewing its operating model and management team - Börskollen
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Oriola is renewing its operating model and management team

Oriola Corporation Stock Exchange Release 19 September 2022 at 9 a.m.

Oriola is renewing its operating model and management team

Oriola Corporation is renewing its operating model to further improve its operational, commercial and supply chain excellence. The new operating model is also reflected as changes in Oriola’s management team and the management team members’ responsibilities. The changes in the management team are effective as of the completion of the merger of Oriola’s Kronans Apotek and Euroapotheca’s Apoteksgruppen. The closing of the transaction is expected to take place in early October 2022.

Background for the new operating model

In the first half of the year 2022, Oriola continued to deliver a solid performance due to rigorous turnaround measures, positive market demand and increased sales. At the same time, the preparations for the merger of Oriola’s and Euroapotheca’s Swedish pharmacy operations have been progressing as planned.

Consequently, upon the expected closing of the contemplated transaction, Oriola will focus on its societal role as an infrastructure company of pharmaceuticals and healthcare distribution and providing services to pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies. Hence, Oriola is renewing its operating model and seeks to create synergies and to ensure seamless work across markets by establishing cross-market responsibilities for the members of the management team. With this change, Oriola aims to capture the full value of its core operations, wholesale and distribution of pharmaceuticals as well as expert services to pharmaceutical companies. In addition, Oriola continues to provide a wide portfolio of health and wellbeing products and dose dispensing.

“Within the new operating model, we will utilize the best aspects of Oriola’s past and current ways of working. We are combining our knowledge and expertise in a new way to become even more agile and more efficient. Furthermore, combining our competences also supports Oriola in further improving quality and operational excellence. By working closely together across countries, business units, and teams, we can generate the best possible value internally as well as for our customers, our shareholders and the society,” says Katarina Gabrielson, CEO of Oriola.

With an integrated, well-sequenced and agile operating model, Oriola aims to further improve its operational, commercial and supply chain excellence. The new operating model will not have an impact on Oriola’s financial reporting structure.

Changes in the Oriola management team

Petri Boman, M.Sc. (Tech), has been appointed Oriola’s Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO) and member of the Oriola Management Team. He will report to Katarina Gabrielson, CEO of Oriola. Boman has an extensive and versatile work history within similar positions in supply chain management at Martela Oyj, Kemira Oyj and Tikkurila Oyj. Boman will assume his position as Oriola’s CSCO on 3 October 2022.

Hannes Hasselrot, currently Vice President, Oriola Consumer, and previously announced Vice President, Oriola Sweden, will assume a new position as Chief Commercial Officer with a cross-market responsibility. At the same time, Anne Kariniemi, currently Vice President, Oriola Finland, has resigned to pursue her career outside Oriola. She will leave Oriola on 19 September 2022.

Oriola management team (effective as of the closing of the transaction creating the new joint venture)

  • Katarina Gabrielson, CEO
  • Petri Boman, Chief Supply Chain Officer
  • Hannes Hasselrot, Chief Commercial Officer
  • Timo Leinonen, Chief Financial Officer (Leinonen will assume his position at the latest in January 2023, as announced on 19 July 2022)
  • Elina Niemelä, Chief People Officer
  • Petter Sandström, General Counsel

In addition, Oriola is in the process of recruiting a Chief Digital Officer to join the management team.

“Anne Kariniemi has been a valued colleague and member of our management team for the past three years. I want to thank Anne for all her contributions at Oriola and wish her all the best with her future endeavours,” says Gabrielson. 

Oriola Corporation
Katarina Gabrielson

Further information:

Katarina Gabrielson
tel. +46 72 234 8809
email: katarina.gabrielson@oriola.com

Malin Pettersson
Interim Communications and Sustainability Director
tel. +358 40 5897941
email: malin.pettersson@oriola.com

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Key media

Released by:
Oriola Corporation
Corporate Communications
Orionintie 5
FI-02200 Espoo, Finland

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