Observe Medical has received first significant UnoMeter[™] Safeti[™] Plus orders from the Nordic region
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Observe Medical has received first significant UnoMeter[™] Safeti[™] Plus orders from the Nordic region

Oslo, 13 March, 2025 – Observe Medical ("the Company" or "Observe Medical") has received repeat orders and now first significant orders from the Nordic region where UnoMeter Safeti Plus historically has held a very dominating position.

Historically, UnoMeter Safeti Plus has had a dominating market share in this region consistently exceeding 70% across most markets. The annual sales to the region has historically been at a level of approximately 15 mNOK, and the re-introduction of UnoMeter Safeti Plus has been anticipated and now well received.

Jørgen Mann, CEO of Observe Medical, commented: "The Nordic Region has historically been dominated by UnoMeter Safeti Plus and the market share has even reached 100% in some of the markets. We experience that customers have been reaching out to us for some time now in anticipation for the re-launch of UnoMeter Safeti Plus and we have seen that tender processes have even been delayed to make sure UnoMeter Safeti Plus were ready and could be part of the process. There are several tenders currently active in the region and we expect to be able to continue the journey of taking back the position as the preferred solution for urine output measurement”


For further information, please contact:

Jørgen Mann, CEO Observe Medical
Mobile: +45 408 67 558
E-mail: [email protected]

Johan Fagerli, CFO Observe Medical
Mobile: +47 958 12 765
E-mail: [email protected]

About Observe Medical

Observe Medical is a Nordic medtech company that develops, markets and sells innovative medtech products for the global market. The Company is committed to improving patient welfare and patient outcomes, improving clinical data accuracy and promoting positive health economics.

The Company seeks to drive growth by leveraging its expertise in sales and commercialization of its broad portfolio of medical technology products, mainly in urine measurement and ultrasound, in combination with targeted M&A and distribution. Observe Medical is working with a network of leading distributors to provide outstanding solutions for healthcare professionals globally.

The Company is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.

Further information is available at www.observemedical.com.


Bifogade filer

Observe Medical has received first significant UnoMeter™ Safeti™ Plus orders from the Nordic regionhttps://mb.cision.com/Main/19175/4118612/3319881.pdf

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