Observe Medical ASA: Notice of Annual General Meeting - Börskollen
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Observe Medical ASA: Notice of Annual General Meeting

Oslo, May 13, 2022 – Observe Medical ASA (OSE:OBSRV): The annual general meeting of Observe Medical ASA will be held on Friday, June 3 2022 at 10:00 (CET).

The annual general meeting will be held at Haakon VIIs gate 2, 0161 Oslo for those attending in person and via Lumi for those attending digitally.

Voting will be carried out electronically via Lumi both for shareholders attending in person and attending digitally. It is also possible to vote in advance or give proxy. 

The Notice of the Annual General Meeting is attached.

The Notice is posted electronically or by mail to all shareholders and is available on the company's website www.observemedical.com.

For further information, please contact:

Rune Nystad, CEO of Observe Medical ASA,

Mobile: +47 916 24 683

E-mail: rune.nystad@observemedical.com

Per Arne Nygård, CFO of Observe Medical ASA,

Mobile: +47 411 04 345

E-mail: perarne.nygard@observemedical.com

About Observe Medical

About Observe Medical Observe Medical is a Nordic medtech company that develops, markets and sells innovative medtech products for the global market. The Company is committed to improving patient welfare and patient outcomes, improving clinical data accuracy and promoting positive health economics.

The Company seeks to drive growth by leveraging its expertise in sales and commercialization of its broad portfolio of medical technology products, mainly in urine measurement, ultrasound,  anesthesiology/ICUs, surgery and wound care, in combination with targeted M&A.

The Company is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with additional offices in Narvik (Norway),  Gothenburg (Sweden), Oulu (Finland) and Seattle (the US). In addition, Observe Medical has a direct sale organization in the Nordics and a distributor and partner network internationally. Further information is available at www.observemedical.com.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Bifogade filer

Observe Medical ASA - Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022https://mb.cision.com/Main/19175/3566760/1579439.pdf

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