NYAB publishes pro forma financial information regarding the acquisition of businesses from Dovre Group
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NYAB publishes pro forma financial information regarding the acquisition of businesses from Dovre Group

NYAB completed the acquisition of Dovre Group Plc’s businesses within Norwegian Consulting and Global Project Personnel, as well as related financing arrangements, on 2 January 2025. The transactions do not affect NYAB’s financial statements for the year 2024. 

In this release, NYAB publishes pro forma financial information regarding financial year 2024 to describe the combined financial performance of NYAB’s business operations and balance sheet position of the Group following the transactions. Information presented in this release has not been reviewed by auditors. 

Pro forma key figures for the financial year 2024 have been presented in the table below. 

NYAB 2024  Dovre 2024  Transaction impact  NYAB 2024 pro forma  
Revenue, EUR thousand  345,937  110,590  456,527 
EBITDA, EUR thousand  30,328  4,587  -968  33,947 
Operating profit (EBIT), EUR thousand  25,350  4,499  -2,090  27,760 
EBIT margin  7.3%  4.1%  6.1% 
Net profit for the period, EUR thousand  16,753  4,174  -2,880  18,047 
Net debt to EBITDA  -0.6  0.4

Key figures for Dovre include the legal entities that have been part of the acquisition, as well as the impact of client contracts and related personnel that have been transferred to the acquired entities.  

NYAB has presented following items, that will affect NYAB’s financial statements for the year 2025, as part of the transaction impact. 

The acquisition entails intangible assets, such as goodwill and values relating to Dovre’s customer contracts and relations. These items result in additional PPA amortization that has an effect of EUR -1.1 million on EBIT. 

During the acquisition process, NYAB has accumulated transactions costs from external advisors that has an effect of EUR -1.0 million on EBITDA. 

The agreed preliminary purchase price on a cash and debt free basis was EUR 30.1 million, and the estimated total consideration amounts to EUR 35.3 million. The acquisition was financed through available cash funds and external debt financing, including a bridge loan of EUR 20 million that is to be repaid no later than the end of 2025. Financing of the acquisition has an estimated total effect of EUR 32.3 million on net debt, and financing costs related to the financing arrangements have an effect of EUR -1.3 million on net profit. 

In total and considering estimated effects on income taxes, these transaction adjustments have an effect of EUR -2.1 million on operating profit, EUR -2.9 million on net profit and EUR 33.3 million on net debt. 

Altogether, the acquisition and related financing agreements would have had an impact of EUR 110.6 million on NYAB’s revenue, EUR 2.4 million on EBIT, and EUR 1.3 million on net profit, if the acquisition would have been made at the beginning of the financial year 2024. Consequently, NYAB’s pro forma revenue for 2024 amounts to EUR 456.5 million, EBIT to EUR 27.8 million, and net profit to EUR 18.0 million, which provides a pro forma EBIT margin of 6.1% and net debt to EBITDA of 0.4.  

Johan Larsson, CEO, NYAB AB, [email protected], +46 (0)70 182 50 70 

Klas Rewelj, CFO, NYAB AB, [email protected], +46 (0)70 626 54 24 

NYAB’s Certified Adviser is Augment Partners AB, [email protected], +46 (0)8 604 22 55. 

This information was submitted for publication at 10:30 CET on 26 February 2025.

About NYAB

NYAB enables the progress of society for future generations, with extensive experience from complex and challenging projects within infrastructure, energy, and industrial construction. We provide end-to-end services in engineering, construction, and maintenance to both the private and public sectors. In 2025, we expanded our geographical reach, adding Norway and global regions to our core markets of Sweden and Finland. 

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