NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S - Annual General Meeting 2023
Company announcement no. 12 - 23
30 March 2023
NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S - Annual General Meeting 2023
Today, at 10:00 am CEST, NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S (“NTG” or the “Company”), CVR no. 12 54 61 06, held its Annual General Meeting at Glostrup Park Hotel, Hovedvejen 41, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark.
All proposals presented to the General Meeting were adopted:
Items 1-3
The General Meeting acknowledged the management’s report on NTG’s activities in the past financial year and NTG’s audited Annual Report for 2022 was approved. The General Meeting also approved that the financial result for 2022 was carried forward to the next financial year.
Items 4-5
NTG’s Remuneration Report for 2022 was presented and approved by the General Meeting as proposed by the Board of Directors. The General Meeting also approved the remuneration for the Board of Directors for the financial year 2023.
Item 6
Eivind Drachmann Kolding, Jørgen Hansen, Finn Skovbo Pedersen, Jesper Præstensgaard, Carsten Krogsgaard Thomsen, and Karen-Marie Katholm were re-elected to the Board of Directors, and Louise Knauer was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors.
Item 7
Pricewaterhousecoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as NTG’s auditor as proposed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the recommendation of the Audit Committee.
Item 8
The proposal to adopt an indemnification arrangement covering members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management as an additional coverage secondary to the applicable customary directors’ and officer liability insurance, including implementation of the indemnification arrangement in the Remuneration Policy, was approved.
Additional information
For additional information, please contact:
Christian D. Jakobsen, Group CFO +45 42 12 80 99
[email protected]
Thomas Junker Jensen, Group General Counsel +45 51 68 03 73
[email protected]