Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
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Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

Company announcement no. 04-2022

Copenhagen, 23rd of December 2022

In accordance with the Market Abuse Regulations, Swiss Properties Invest A/S hereby on behalf of the relevant individuals discloses transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them on trading of Swiss Properties Invest A/S shares.

Swiss Properties Invest A/S hereby notifies and submits the following transaction of shares:

Name: Swiss Property Ventures AG, Switzerland

Swiss Property Ventures AG is closely related to persons discharging managerial responsibilities as Swiss Property Ventures AG is ultimately owned by Martin A. Märki, CFO in Swiss Properties Invest A/S and Keld Ostergaard, CEO in Swiss Properties Invest AG (100% owned subsidiary of Swiss Properties Invest A/S)

Issuer: Swiss Properties Invest A/S

LEI-code: 636700W3Y3309V1FFE44

ISIN-code: DK0061805660

Type of securities: Shares

Type of transaction: Buy        

Date of transaction: December 21st, 2022

Place of transaction: OTC

Amount of shares: 238’938

Share price: 107.5 DKK

Total amount: 25’685’835 DKK

Additional information and investor relation

Swiss Properties Invest A/S

Kirsten Sillehoved, CEO

Mobile (+45) 52 40 71 52

E-mail kirsten@swisspropertiesinvest,dk

Schleppegrellsgade 8

2200 Copenhagen N


Certified advisor contact:

Baker Tilly Corporate Finance

Gert Michael Mortensen

Mobile (+45) 30 73 06 67

E-mail gmm@bakertilly,dk

Poul Bundgaard Vej 1

2500 Valby



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