Notification of major shareholding - correction
Company Announcement
3 January 2024
Announcement No. 2
Notification of major shareholding - correction
The information on Morgan Stanley’s shareholding provided in company announcements no. 38 of 22 December 2023 and no. 1 of 2 January 2024 were incorrect. The correct information with reference to Section 30 of the Danish Capital Market Act is that:
- 19 December 2023: Morgan Stanley reduced its total voting rights in NKT attached to shares and through financial instruments from 6.69% to 5.31%.
- 27 December 2023: Morgan Stanley’s total voting rights in NKT attached to shares and through financial instruments were below the 5% threshold.
Investor Relations: Michael Nass Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, Tel: +45 2494 1654
Press: Louise W. Naldal, Head of Group Communications, Tel: +45 2982 0022
- Major shareholder notification NKT AS 19-12-2023
- Major shareholder notification NKT AS 27-12-2023
- Notification of major shareholding_Morgan Stanley_03012024_FINAL