Notice of proceedings of the general meeting
Company announcement no. 20-24
Copenhagen, April 29, 2024
At today’s annual general meeting in Shape Robotics A/S, held at Bella Sky, Center Boulevard 5, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, the following resolutions were taken:
The audited annual report for 2023 was approved and adopted, including the proposal to carry the result forward to next year.
All of the members of the Board of Directors were re-elected as proposed. The Board of Directors hereafter consists of:
Jeppe Frandsen
Helle Rootzén
Moises Pacheco
Annette Lindgreen
Kasper Holst Hansen
At a board meeting immediately after the annual general meeting, the board of directors re-elected Jeppe Frandsen as chairman and Annette Lindgreen as deputy chairman.
Beierholm Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected.
The proposed Remuneration Policy was approved and adopted.
The proposed remuneration to the board of directors for 2024 was approved and adopted.
The proposed new authorization to the board of directors until April 1, 2028 to increase the share capital without pre-emption rights for the existing shareholders by up to nominally DKK 250,000 was approved and adopted
The new authorization to the board of directors until April 1, 2028 to issue warrants to some of the key employees and to members of the board of directors and to increase the share capital in connection with exercise of warrants by up to a nominal amount of DKK 50,000 without pre-emption rights for the existing shareholders was approved and adopted.
Additional information
Jeppe Frandsen, Chairman
Tlf.: +45 20 55 40 44
Email: [email protected]
CVR-nr. 38322656