Norsk Hydro: Invitation - Hydro's fourth quarter results 2023
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Norsk Hydro: Invitation - Hydro's fourth quarter results 2023

Hydro's fourth quarter results 2023 will be released at 07:00 CET (01:00 EST, 06:00 UTC/GMT) on February 14, 2024. The annual report 2023 will be released the same day at 08:00 CET (02:00 EST, O7:00 UTC/GMT). The quarterly report, presentation slides and annual report will be available on at the same time as the releases.

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Pål Kildemo, will host a webcast in English at 08:30 CET the same day. There will be a Q&A session directly after the presentation. There will be no presentation or press conference at our corporate headquarters. 

To join the webcast and ask questions, register your details in the webcast page. Once registered, you will receive a separate email confirming your registration.  

The webcast is powered by Livestorm. It is advised that you investigate in advance if your company has any restrictions using this platform.

Investor contact:
Martine Rambøl Hagen
+47 91708918 

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