Nordnet: Monthly statistics February - Börskollen
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Nordnet: Monthly statistics February


In February, Nordnet’s customers made 5,308,300 trades in listed financial instruments, which corresponds to 265,500 trades per day. New customers in February amounted to 18,500. The annual customer growth rate is 14.1 percent adjusted for the divestment of Nordnet’s unsecured lending portfolio to Ikano Bank on October 1, 2024. The total number of customers at the end of February was 2,145,700. Net savings for February was SEK 5.7 billion and the total net savings during 2025 is SEK 15.7 billion. The savings capital was SEK 1,051 billion and lending amounted to SEK 28.2 billion at the end of February.

February January Change  February Change 
20251 2025 one month 2024 one year
Savings & customers
Number of customers 2,145,700 2,127,200 0.9% 1,900,100 12.9%2
Net savings (SEK billion) 5.7 10.0 -43.0% 5.3 7.5%
Savings capital (SEK billion) 1,051 1,083 -3.0% 861 22.1%
Deposits (SEK billion) 74 71 4.3% 64 15.5%
Lending (SEK billion)
Margin lending3 17.0 17.6 -3.7% 15.5 9.6%
Mortgage 11.2 11.2 0.0% 11.2 -0.3%
Unsecured lending 0.0 0.0 0.0% 3.8 -100.0%
Total lending 28.2 28.8 -2.3% 30.5 -7.8%
Number of trades4
Sweden 2,105,100 2,049,300 2.7% 1,796,100 17.2%
Norway 999,600 1,059,300 -5.6% 976,000 2.4%
Denmark 1,190,600 1,212,300 -1.8% 1,076,900 10.6%
Finland 1,013,000 968,300 4.6% 904,700 12.0%
Total 5,308,300 5,289,200 0.4% 4,753,700 11.7%
Share of cross border trades 33.5% 35.9% -2.4% 28.6% 4.8%
Average number of trades per day5
Sweden 105,300 97,600 7.9% 85,500 23.2%
Norway 50,000 48,200 3.7% 46,500 7.5%
Denmark 59,500 55,100 8.0% 51,300 16.0%
Finland 50,700 46,100 10.0% 43,100 17.6%
Total 265,500 247,000 7.5% 226,400 17.3%

1 The numbers for February 2025 are preliminary.
2 The customer growth is 14.1 percent adjusted for the divestment of Nordnet’s unsecured lending portfolio to Ikano Bank on October 1, 2024.

3 Lending excluding pledged cash and cash equivalents.
4 Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all customers, and share of cross border trades. 
5 Average number of trades per day is calculated as total trades per market divided by the number of days each stock exchange was open.

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