Nordnet completes share repurchase program announced in September 2024
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Nordnet completes share repurchase program announced in September 2024

From 24 September 2024 to 11 March 2025, Nordnet has repurchased 2,140,603 of its own shares for a total of SEK 500 million at an average price per share of SEK 233.6.

On 24 September 2024, Nordnet announced a share repurchase program of up to SEK 500 million, based on the authorization granted to the Board by the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The purpose of the repurchase program is to return capital to shareholders and optimize the capital structure.

The total number of issued shares in Nordnet amounts to 252,355,037, of which Nordnet holds 2,515,603 in treasury. Nordnet has the intention of cancelling all shares held in treasury following approval by the annual general meeting on 28 April 2025.

Nordnet aims to keep returning excess capital to shareholders through share repurchases and has filed an application to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority regarding a new program.

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250314, Buyback program conclusion, Nordnet

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