Norconsult ASA: Update on calendar effects - Börskollen
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Norconsult ASA: Update on calendar effects

Sandvika 3 July 2024 (OSE: NORCO): With reference to the reported first quarter figures for 2024, a subsequent update has been made to the underlying EBITA margin adjusted for calendar effects. The corrected figure of the underlying EBITA margin is 14.7% compared to the communicated 15.9%. The reported adjusted EBITA margin in the first quarter of 9.6% remains correct and unchanged, and the impact on the full year of 2024 is neutral.     

As communicated in the first quarter report, the number of working days significantly affected the revenue due to five less working days compared to the same quarter last year. The calculated effect was approximately minus NOK 178 million and was presented to have the same effect on both revenue and EBITA. The provision based on profit sharing is also indirectly affected by the number of working days, which was not taken into account. Consequently, the presented underlying EBITA margin, adjusted for calendar effect, was 14.7% for the first quarter.  

For further information, please contact:  

Investors: Elin Spieler, Head of Treasury and IR Manager,

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the Continuing Obligations and is subject the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 


About Norconsult 

Norconsult is a leading pan-Nordic interdisciplinary consulting firm combining engineering, architecture and digital expertise across projects of all sizes, for private and public customers in infrastructure, energy and industry, buildings and architecture. Headquartered in Sandvika, Norway, Norconsult’s delivery model is centred around knowledge hubs and local presence through approximately 6,300 employees across around than 140 offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Poland and Finland. 

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