Norconsult ASA: Notice of the upcoming expiration of first lock-up period
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Norconsult ASA: Notice of the upcoming expiration of first lock-up period

Sandvika, 6 May 2024 (OSE: NORCO): Reference is made to the lock-up agreement described in the announcement made by Norconsult ASA (the “Company”) on 30 October 2023 in connection with the Company’s admission to trading on Oslo Stock Exchange (the “IPO”) whereby the existing shareholders in the Company prior to the IPO (the “Existing Shareholders”) and members of the Board of Directors and the Company’s executive management (the “Executive Management”) entered into a customary lock-up agreement with the Company and/or the joint Global Coordinators with a lock-up period of 12 months following the IPO.

Pursuant to the terms of the lock-up agreement, 50% of the shares held by the Existing Shareholders will be released from the lock-up restriction and become eligible for sale on 10 May 2024, six months from the first day of the IPO. Shares held by members of the Board of Directors or Executive Management will not be released from lock-up until the expiry of the full 12-month lock-up period (10 November 2024).

For further information, please contact:

Investors: Elin Spieler, Head of Treasury and IR Manager, [email protected]

Media: Henrik Charlesen, Senior Communicator Advisor, [email protected]


About Norconsult

Norconsult is a leading pan-Nordic interdisciplinary consulting firm combining engineering, architecture and digital expertise across projects of all sizes, for private and public customers in infrastructure, energy and industry, buildings and architecture. Headquartered in Sandvika, Norway, Norconsult's delivery model is centered around knowledge hubs and local presence through approximately 6,300 employees across more than 140 offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Poland and Finland.

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