Niels Erik Jakobsen, Managing Director, retires
After nearly 38 years with Jyske Bank - of these almost 16 years on the Group Executive Board - Niels Erik Jakobsen, Managing Director, has decided to retire in the course of the second quarter of 2025.
Niels Erik Jakobsen was employed by Jyske Bank on 1 August 1987. He joined the Group Executive Board on 1 September 2009 and has been in charge of e.g. Capital Markets and most recently Personal Clients and Wealth Management. In addition, Niels Erik Jakobsen is Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Jyske Bank’s subsidiaries Jyske Realkredit and Jyske Finans and on the Boards of BankInvest and Letpension.
Kurt Bligaard Pedersen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Jyske Bank, states:
”Niels Erik Jakobsen has made a significant mark on Jyske Bank’s development over the years, and with his considerable knowledge and insight, especially in the areas of finance and investment, he has gained great recognition.”
Due to Niels Erik Jakobsen’s decision, the Supervisory Board has initiated a process with a view to finding his successor at the Group Executive Board.
Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank
Contact: Lars Mørch, Managing Director and CEO, tel. +45 89 89 20 01