New technology increases the possibility of a more independent life

Almost four years ago, the father of two, Mats Griph, suffered a thrombosis, a blood clot, in his right arm after an examination. From taking his hand strength for granted, he could no longer even lift a coffee cup. Today, Mats can perform several daily tasks and, most importantly, be active with his children, thanks to a technologically advanced grip-strengthening glove.
In April 2022, after almost four years of persistent pain that ultimately hindered Mats in his rehabilitative training, he came in contact with an occupational therapist who told him about the grip-strengthening glove Carbonhand.
- I was given the opportunity to test the glove and was able to start using my hand immediately. It felt incredible, says Mats.
But getting the aid prescribed by the region was not nearly as easy as using it. Mats was forced to fight for this. Thanks to the help of Bioservo, which develops Carbonhand, and a driven and committed occupational therapist, he was supported by the county hospital, which purchased the grip-strengthening glove.
- Now I use the glove daily and can do things that were completely impossible before, such as lifting the coffee cup, eating with the fork in my right hand and lifting my five-year-old son with both hands. In addition, I have been able to start again with the important rehab training. I still have the pain and I have to fight with it, but being able to use my hand feels fantastic.
The grip-strengthening glove Carbonhand is a so-called assistive aid. The glove gives people with impaired hand function extra strength and endurance in their grip. Sensors in the fingertips register when the user grasps an object, the system calculates how much force should be added and small motors pull thin cords that go out into the fingers of the hand. The cords pull on the fingers and add force to the grip. The more pressure the user puts on the sensors, the more power the glove provides.
- For many, not being able to use their hands can be the difference between having an independent life and being dependent on help from others, says Petter Bäckgren, CEO of Bioservo. It is often about everyday things, such as cooking, and as in Mats’ case, being able to play with hids kids again. We are happy that Mats has been given the opportunity to use Carbonhand and hope that more people with impaired hand function will have the same opportunity.
For more information, please contact
Petter Bäckgren, VD, Bioservo Technologies AB
Telefon: 08 21 17 10
[email protected]
Mikael Wester, Marknadsdirektör, Bioservo Technologies AB
Telefon: 08 21 17 10
[email protected]
About Bioservo Technologies
Bioservo Technologies AB (publ) is a world leading company in wearable muscle strengthening systems for people in need of extra strength and endurance. All our innovative products and systems are designed to keep people strong, healthy, and efficient. The company has a unique global position within soft exoskeleton technology for the hand, both for industrial applications to improve the health for workers and to improve quality of life for people with reduced muscle strength. Bioservo Technologies was founded in 2006 in collaboration between researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology and a doctor at Karolinska University Hospital. Bioservo Technologies is a Swedish public limited company with headquarters in Stockholm.
FNCA Sweden AB is the company’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North
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