New publication that shows the strength of Attana's offering in diagnostics, here applied in veterinary medicine.

In a new article published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science, the company Alertix Veterinary Diagnostics AB, in collaboration with several groups at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has published results for a diagnostic test for dogs having cancer. In 2019-2020, Attana performed contract research projects to select the optimal antibodies for this diagnostic test. The article states that the Alertix test has a higher sensitivity than the tests available on the market. The kinetics of the antibody interactions are in accordance with Attana's criteria for diagnostics, i.e. fast on-rate and slow off-rate.
For Attana, the article is important as it is an example of the generic applicability of Attana's technology in diagnostics and immunology. It demonstrates the importance of antibody interaction kinetics for the accuracy of the assays, in the same way as e.g. the previous articles from National University of Singapore on Hepatitis and Tuberculosis. It is in line with the larger project that Attana is part of together with Linnaeus University.
The results of the clinical trial demonstrate that more information than just affinity is necessary to select the optimal antibodies. A decisive factor to ensure a good protection is through the kinetics of the association rate of the antibodies to the biomarker. In this study the rate of the detecting antibodies is 3x105 and 5x105Mol/s respectively. It is at the slow range of being strong neutralizing IgG antibodies for immunity, but sufficient in a diagnostic kit as a higher concentration of the capturing antibody can be added. This means that the antibodies, in competition with other potential binders in the blood sample, interact with the biomarker faster and thus increase sensitivity and accuracy. The slow off-rate allows detection performance to be maintained to the secondary detection antibody used in ELISA methods.
According to the article, the Alertix test, Canine TK1 ELISA, has a significantly higher ability to differentiate dogs with T-Cell lymphoma compared to dogs with B-cell lymphoma than existing TK1 tests. It shows that the Aletrix test can work both for diagnosis and monitoring of dogs with lymphoma.
In the picture, the schematical displays the specific and non-specific interactions that can come up in blood tests. It is important both for diagnostic accuracy and for good immunity that the black specific curve is significantly better than the orange non-specific curve.