Modus Therapeutics to present at the Erik Penser Bank Health Care Day
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Modus Therapeutics to present at the Erik Penser Bank Health Care Day

Stockholm, Thursday, February 24, 2022. Modus Therapeutics Holding AB ("Modus") announces that the company will participate at the Erik Penser Bank Health Care Day on February 24, 2022.

Modus CEO John Öhd presents today at Erik Penser Bank's Theme Day-Health Care. He will present Modus and will talk more about our ambition to advance sevuparin in clinical development as a "first-in-class" drug candidate in treatment for sepsis and septic shock.

Thursday 24/2 Modus to present at approx. 15:50

You can reach presentations from the day via this link, and Modus presentation will be available after the meeting on Modus website;, click here

For more information on Modus Therapeutics, please contact:

John Öhd, VD, Modus Therapeutics

Telefon: +46 (0) 70 766 80 97


Certified Adviser

Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

Telefon: +46 11 32 30 732


About Modus Therapeutics and sevuparin

Modus Therapeutics is a Swedish biotechnology company headquartered in Stockholm that develops sevuparin with a focus on diseases with a high unmet medical need. The company's focus in the near future is to develop sevuparin for patients with sepsis / septic shock, which is a serious and often fatal condition. Modus Therapeutics is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth market (“MODTX”). More information is available at

Sevuparin is a clinical stage, innovative proprietary polysaccharide drug with a multimodal mechanism of action, including anti-inflammatory, anti-adhesive and anti-aggregate effects.  Sevuparin is a heparinoid with markedly attenuated anti-coagulation features that allows severalfold higher doses to be given, compared to regular heparinoids, without the associated risk for bleeding side-effects. Two routes of administration of sevuparin are currently being tested – an IV formulation for in-patient administration and a subcutaneous formulation that allows ambulatory and home care administration.

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