Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Copenhagen, Denmark, October 11, 2023 – Brain+ A/S (Nasdaq First North: BRAINP)
On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 8:00 am, Brain+ A/S (Nasdaq First North: BRAINP) held an Extraordinary General Meeting. The meeting was held electronically.
The meeting was convened with the following agenda:
- Election of chairman of the meeting
- Election of Anish Shindore as new board member
The Board of Directors proposed that the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Anders Härfstrand was elected chairman of the meeting. The proposal was adopted.
The chairman of the meeting then established that the general meeting was duly convened and quorate with regard to the agenda.
The Board of Directors proposed that Anish Shindore was elected as new member of the board with immediate effect and for a term until Brain+’ Annual General Meeting in 2024.
The proposal was adopted by the general meeting.