Minutes of extraordinary general meeting in Wirtek A/S - Börskollen
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Minutes of extraordinary general meeting in Wirtek A/S

Company announcement nr. 09/2021

An extraordinary general meeting of Wirtek A/S (CVR no. 26042232) was held today 27 May 2021.

Present at meeting:

Shareholders representing 56,8 % of share capital.

The Board of Directors


  1. Appoint chairman of extraordinary meeting.

Jens Uggerhøj was appointed Chairman of the extraordinary meeting and noted that the general meeting had been called according to the Articles of Association and that a quorum had been formed.

  1. Decision on adding a secondary name

The proposed resolution from the Board of Directors to add “CoreBuild Software Services A/S” as a secondary name to the company was approved.

  1. Any other business

No other items were discussed.

As agreed at the extraordinary general meeting on 27 May 2021.

Chairman of the extraordinary general meeting:


Jens Uggerhøj

Agreed by the Board of Directors:

_____________________________                                 _____________________________

Kent M. Sørensen                                                           Jens Uggerhøj


Michael Aaen  


Further information

  • Michael Aaen, CEO, Wirtek A/S, Phone: +45 2529 7575, E-mail: ir@wirtek.com
    Niels Jernes Vej 10, 9220 Aalborg Ø, www.wirtek.com
  • Kent Mousten Sørensen, Chairman, Wirtek A/S, Phone: +45 2125 9001
  • Per Vestergaard, Certified Advisor, CDI Global, Phone: +45 2176 4317

About Wirtek

Wirtek is a Danish IT outsourcing company. Since 2001, we have been teaming up with companies to help them create great software solutions and electronic equipment products.

Several clients have been with us for more than 10 years, so we can confidently say that in outsourcing, the quality of the relationship matters just as much as the quality of the delivered software. Our clients get state-of-the-art technical solutions and a committed team that works with them as if it were their own.

Wirtek has offices in Denmark (HQ + sales) and four development and test centres in Romania, and we are 150+ colleagues. Wirtek was listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark in 2006.

Ticker Code: WIRTEK (DK0060040913)


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