Minutes from Annual General Meeting 2022
Copenhagen, May 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcement no. 7-2022
On 25 May 2022, the ordinary annual general meeting 2022 of Hypefactors A/S was conducted at the company’s address, with the following agenda:
- Election of chairman of the meeting
- The Board of Directors' report on the company's activities in the past financial year
- Presentation of annual report with audit certificate for approval
- Decision on the distribution of the result
- Election of the Board of Directors
- Modifications to Articles of Association, §3.1. and §3.2.
- Election of auditor
- Any other business
Ad.1 Election of chairman of the meeting
Martin Michael Hansen was elected as chairman of the meeting. The chairman welcomed the participating shareholders, the board members and the CEO. Also, the chairman stated that the general meeting had been duly convened in accordance with the articles of association and that the quorum requirements were fulfilled.
Ad. 2. The Board of Directors' report on the company's activities in the past financial year
The board of directors, represented by board member Martin Michael Hansen, reported on the company's business activities during the past financial year. Martin Michael Hansen highlighted that, compared with 2020, the year 2021 shown an increase of 60% for the revised revenue, an increase of the annual recurring revenue (ARR) of 58% and an improvement of 46% for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBTIDA). Also, the continued strong development of the company’s tech assets was mentioned. The report was approved by the General Meeting.
Ad. 3. Presentation of annual report with audit certificate for approval
The General Meeting approved the annual report for 2021 with audit certificate.
Ad. 4. Decision on the distribution of the result
In regard to appropriation of profits or covering losses appearing from the annual report, the General Meeting approved, in accordance with the adopted annual report and the board of directors’ proposal, that the result of the financial year 2021 is transferred to the next financial year and that no dividend is paid out.
Ad. 5. Election of the Board of Directors
In accordance with the articles of association, the board members elected by the Annual General Meeting are elected for one year at a time. Pierre-André Montjovet (Chairman), Martin Michael Hansen, Kasper Hülsen and Casper Janns were all re-elected.
Ad. 6. Modifications to the Articles of Association
The General Meeting approved the following adjustments of the Articles of Association §3.1. and §3.2. From this:
§3.1. Indtil den 31. december 2022 er bestyrelsen bemyndiget til ad en eller flere gange at forhøje selskabskapitalen med fortegningsret for de eksisterende aktionærer ved at udstede aktier for op til nominelt kr. 1.000.000. Kapitalforhøjelsen skal foretages ved kontant indbetaling, apportindskud eller gældskonvertering. Tegningskursen fastsættes af bestyrelsen og kan være lavere end markedskursen.
§3.2. Indtil den 31. december 2022 er bestyrelsen bemyndiget til ad en eller flere gange at forhøje selskabskapitalen uden fortegningsret for de eksisterende aktionærer ved at udstede aktier for op til nominelt kr. 1.000.000. Kapitalforhøjelsen skal foretages ved kontant indbetaling, apportindskud eller gældskonvertering. Tegningskursen fastsættes af bestyrelsen og kan være lavere end markedskursen.
to this:
§3.1. Indtil den 31. december 2024 er bestyrelsen bemyndiget til ad en eller flere gange at forhøje selskabskapitalen med fortegningsret for de eksisterende aktionærer ved at udstede aktier for op til nominelt kr. 1.000.000. Kapitalforhøjelsen skal foretages ved kontant indbetaling, apportindskud eller gældskonvertering. Tegningskursen fastsættes af bestyrelsen og kan være lavere end markedskursen.
§3.2. Indtil den 31. december 2024 er bestyrelsen bemyndiget til ad en eller flere gange at forhøje selskabskapitalen uden fortegningsret for de eksisterende aktionærer ved at udstede aktier for op til nominelt kr. 1.000.000. Kapitalforhøjelsen skal foretages ved kontant indbetaling, apportindskud eller gældskonvertering. Tegningskursen fastsættes af bestyrelsen og kan være lavere end markedskursen.
Ad. 7. Election of auditor
PwC was re-ected as the company's auditor.
Ad. 8. Any other business
No additional issues were raised. The chairman hereafter stated that all the items on the agenda had been discussed and that all proposals had been adopted. The ordinary general meeting was adjourned.
About Hypefactors A/S
Hypefactors is an integrated AI powered Earned Media tech platform to support better media intelligence and reputation management. Hypefactors combine data, analytics, technology and tools to provide a unified and easy-to-use experience. With all the tools to automate and ease the work, and all the facts to document the results. In addition to media monitoring across the different media channels, the platform provides access to a number of facts, incl. automated documentation of the monetary value and quality assessment of each third-party media mention. The platform also contains other time-saving tools such as automatically generated media reports and a mobile app giving access to real-time media mentions. The company is listed at Nasdaq Growth Market in Copenhagen, Denmark.
For more information, please contact:
Casper Janns, CEO: Tlf.: +45 20167481, e-mail: [email protected]
Pierre André Montjovet, Chairman of the Board: Tlf: +41 (0)78 922 33 0,
e-mail: [email protected]
Hypefactors A/S
Kronprinsessegade 8B
1306 Copenhagen K
Certified Adviser
Oaklins Denmark
Østergade 26B 1100 København K
Kim Harpøth Jespersen, Partner, M +4552150243, email: [email protected] www.oaklins.com