Michael Green appointed new President and Group Chief Executive Officer

Michael Green was today appointed President and Group Chief Executive Officer of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ). He is currently General Manager of the Bank’s operations in Sweden.
Michael Green takes up his new position on 1 January 2024 and will succeed the present CEO, Carina Åkerström.
“The Board’s process has been very thorough and comprehensive. We have also engaged external expertise to evaluate the various candidates, both external and internal, but in the end Michael was the natural choice. Extremely competent, with long, extensive experience of nearly 30 years at the Bank – at branches, the investment bank and internationally. Michael is an appreciated manager who really knows the whole Bank,” says Pär Boman, Chairman of the Board.
Michael Green started as a corporate advisor at the Gothenburg branch in 1994 and his subsequent positions include Head of Handelsbanken in Western Sweden, Head of Capital Markets and Head of the US operations. For the past few years, Michael Green has been in charge of Handelsbanken in Sweden, the largest and most profitable part of the Bank, representing around 70 per cent of the Bank’s profits.
“In Sweden, quarter after quarter, he has reported record profits, boosted customer satisfaction and had good control of costs. It is no coincidence that we have been named Business Bank of the Year – underlying these successes, there is a great deal of purposeful, persistent work on the part of Michael and his colleagues,” says Pär Boman.
Michael Green has also recently reconstructed all the Swedish branch operations where even more skills and decision-making powers have been moved to the branches, closer to customers.
“I am a strong advocate of our decentralised working methods where thousands of employees, independently, with a high level of expertise and a broad mandate, take thousands of wise decisions every day, all around our bank. Being a manager at Handelsbanken is a unique and exciting challenge. And now to be entrusted with the position of President and Group Chief Executive Officer makes me proud and happy but I also approach the assignment with a great deal of humility,” says Michael Green.
Michael Green takes up the position on 1 January and in conjunction with this will hold a meeting for the media and analysts (see appendix).
For further information, please contact:
Pär Boman, Chairman of the Board + 46 8 22 92 20
Mats Olsson, Press Officer + 46 70 688 07 99
1. Invitation to press and analyst meeting on 4 January 2024.
2. Presentation and CV.
3. Photo material.
This information is of the type that Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 07.45 CET on 23 October 2023. For more information about Handelsbanken, see: www.handelsbanken.com