Mangold Insight initiates coverage of PolarCool and publishes initial analysis
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Mangold Insight initiates coverage of PolarCool and publishes initial analysis

Mangold Insight has initiated coverage of PolarCool AB (publ.) with a target price of SEK 10.0 per share and has published an initial analysis today.


Mangold identifies significant growth opportunities for the company due to its first-mover advantage in a large, undeveloped market. With a fully developed and scientifically validated product, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on an anticipated FDA approval in the United States. Furthermore, Mangold highlights strong demand in Canada and the potential for significant sales growth through larger agreements and continued scientific validation.


Link to the analysis: Mangold Insight - PolarCool


For more information

Erik Andersson – CEO PolarCool AB (publ.) 
+46 – 73 860 57 00    
E-mail: [email protected]


About PolarCool AB (publ.)

PolarCool AB (publ.) is a medical device company that develops, markets, and sells products for sports medicine. The company focuses on treatment of concussive and sub-concussive brain injury with the portable cooling device PolarCap® System. PolarCool AB (publ.) is based in Lund, Sweden, and its shares are listed on Spotlight Stock Market.

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Press release PolarCool 2025.01.21 - Mangold Insight initiates coverage of PolarCool and publishes initial analysis

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