Mandatory notification of trade – S.D. Standard ETC Plc
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated 4 March 2025 regarding the completion of a secondary sale of existing shares in Dolphin Drilling AS (the "Company") by S.D. Standard ETC Plc ("SDSD"). SDSD is a close associate of the Company's Chairman of the Board, Martin Nes.
As stated in the stock exchange notice, SDSD has agreed to sell all of its shares in the Company, i.e. a total of 49,784,706 shares, at a price per share of NOK 1.1. Further information about the transaction is included in the attached notification form.
For further information, please contact:
Head of Investments at SDSD, Espen Fjermestad at +47 952 04 493
The information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.