Mandatory Notification of Trade - Börskollen
Börskollen - Aktier, fonder och ekonominyheter


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Mandatory Notification of Trade

Please refer to the attached forms of notification of settlement of synthetic shares by certain primary insiders under the DNO ASA Employee Synthetic Share Program which vested on 11 March 2025 under the terms of the Program. These synthetic shares were awarded as a component of annual bonuses to Executive Management in March 2023 with a two-year vesting period.

This notification has been submitted pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12 and MAR Article 19 no. 3.


Bifogade filer

Form of notification Settlement of Synthetic Shares for Tax Purposes Chris Spencer
Form of notification Settlement of Synthetic Shares for Tax Purposes Elisabeth Femsteinevik
Form of notification Settlement of Synthetic Shares for Tax Purposes Geir Arne Skau

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