MAG collaborates with UN environment initiative Playing For The Planet

In October, MAG launches environment-focused events through the UN gaming initiative Playing For The Planet to draw attention to the preservation of the world's ocean and coral reefs.
Stockholm, Sweden - 5 October, 2021 - Today MAG Interactive announces that special ocean-themed gaming events will run in six of MAG's games during October. The goal of these events is to help preserve the world's ocean and coral reefs.
MAG developed the events during this year's Green Game Jam, a workshop where game companies develop gaming ideas that support the global environmental agenda. This workshop is held by Playing For The Planet Alliance, an initiative under the UN Environment Programme that brings together game companies worldwide with the common goal of improving the world's climate and environment through play.
MAG developed these environmental events based on the UN-led campaign Glowing Glowing Gone which works to curb the threat that coral reefs - also known as “rainforests of the ocean” - face as a result of climate change. Reefs are one of the most vulnerable ecosystems to climate change due to die-off from ocean heat waves.
Special ocean events will be launched in Wordzee, Ruzzle, Word Domination, WordBrain, WordBrain 2 and New QuizDuel which will also run a special ocean quiz. In each event, players are encouraged to either add their name to the petition for the preservation of coral reefs via the Glowing Glowing Gone website and/or to donate any amount to projects that are working to protect ocean health.
“Last year's Green Game Jam inspired us all and this year it was a given to involve most of our live games in this initiative. Our goal is to create engaging content for our players while spreading an important message, that they have the power to help preserve the marine ecosystem”, says Daniel Hasselberg, CEO of MAG Interactive.
“We couldn’t be more excited to join hands with MAG to help raise awareness and resources for the planet’s precious coral reefs that are on the front line of climate change. Many people have no idea of their value to humanity, and gaming can be transformational in inspiring this learning and action journey”, says Leticia Carvalho, Head of Marine and Freshwater at the UN Environment Programme.
MAG’s events coincide with the launch of the report the “Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020”, an extensive report of the status of the ocean’s coral reefs that is the first of its kind in over a decade.
About Playing For The Planet Alliance
The Playing for the Planet Alliance, launched in 2019 during the Climate Summit in New York, has a collective monthly active player base of more than 1.5 billion. In joining the Alliance, members have made commitments ranging from integrating green activations in games, reducing their emissions, and supporting the global environmental agenda through initiatives ranging from planting millions of trees to reducing plastic in their products.
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About Glowing Glowing Gone
The Glowing Glowing Gone Campaign was launched in June 2019 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and The Ocean Agency. The Campaign focuses on building public support for ocean and coral reef protection and climate action – towards net zero emissions by 2050 – by using creativity and creative brand partnerships to mainstream knowledge on the importance of coral reefs and the threats the climate crisis and other human-induced impacts pose to the ecological, economic, social, and cultural value of coral reefs and their associated ecosystems.
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