Lindab enters into an agreement to acquire the ventilation specialist Ventia in Poland
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Lindab enters into an agreement to acquire the ventilation specialist Ventia in Poland

Lindab has entered into an agreement to acquire the ventilation specialist Ventia in Poland. The acquisition complements Lindab's operations in the Polish market and is another important step in increasing sales of technical ventilation products.

Ventia is a distributor of ventilation products with annual sales of approximately 240 MSEK and approximately 60 employees. The company was established in 2009 and is based in Warsaw. The owners are CEO Bogdan Matusiak and COO Piotr Wisniewski. The operating margin is in line with Lindab's and the acquisition will be financed through an existing credit facility.

“The acquisition of Ventia significantly strengthens and complements our position in the important Polish ventilation market”, says Ola Ringdahl, President and CEO of Lindab. “Ventia has a strong position among prescribers and the acquisition is an important step in Lindab's strategy to increase sales of technical ventilation products. Furthermore, I am pleased that the owners will continue in the business as part of Lindab.”

The completion of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Polish Competition Authority. Upon completion, Ventia will become a subsidiary of Lindab Poland. 

“We at Ventia are looking forward to becoming part of Lindab, one of the leading ventilation companies in Europe. The acquisition is good for our customers and employees and creates new opportunities by offering a wider range of products which will support us to further develop the business and become an even stronger player in the market”, says Bogdan Matusiak, CEO and one of the owners of Ventia.

More information on Ventia:

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