Lifco acquires Aura Electric in Norway - Börskollen
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Lifco acquires Aura Electric in Norway

Lifco has signed an agreement to acquire a majority of the shares in the Norwegian company Aura Electric AS. The company is a manufacturer of low volt electrical supplies.

In 2022, Aura Electric reported net sales of approximately NOK 38 million. The company is based in Kongsvinger, Norway and has ten employees. Aura Electric will be consolidated in Business Area Systems Solutions, division Construction Materials. Consolidation is expected to take place in March 2023.

The acquisition will not have any significant effect on Lifco’s earnings or financial position in current financial year.

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For more information please contact:

Per Waldemarson

CEO and President Lifco

E-mail [email protected]

Åse Lindskog  
Media and investor relations manager
Phone +46 730 244 872, e-mail
[email protected]

About Lifco

Lifco offers a safe haven for small and medium-sized businesses. Lifco’s business concept is to acquire and develop market-leading niche businesses with the potential to deliver sustainable earnings growth and robust cash flows. Lifco is guided by a clear philosophy centred on long-term growth, a focus on profitability and a strongly decentralised organisation. The Group has three business areas: Dental, Demolition & Tools and Systems Solutions. At year-end 2022, the Lifco Group consisted of 211 operating companies in 30 countries. In 2022, Lifco reported EBITA of SEK 4.7 billion on net sales of SEK 21.6 billion. The EBITA margin was 21.6 per cent. Read more at

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