Lemonsoft Oyj: SHARE REPURCHASE 30.1.2025 - Börskollen
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Lemonsoft Oyj: SHARE REPURCHASE 30.1.2025

Lemonsoft Oyj | Company Release | January 31, 2025 at 08:30:00 EET

Lemonsoft Oyj: SHARE REPURCHASE 30.1.2025

Helsinki Stock Exchange

Trade date: 30.1.2025
Bourse trade: BUY
Share: LEMON
Amount: 1 123 shares
Average price / share: 6,2376 EUR
Total cost: 7 004,80 EUR

Following shares repurchased on 30.1.2025
the Company now holds 42 753 shares.

On behalf of Lemonsoft Oyj

Lago Kapital Ltd

Maj van Dijk     Jani Koskell

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