Lehto Group Plc: Change in Lehto Group Plc’s own shares - Börskollen
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Lehto Group Plc: Change in Lehto Group Plc’s own shares

Lehto Group Plc
Stock exchange release
4 January 2024 at 3 p.m. (Finnish time)

On December 28, 2023 a total of 30,788 shares have been returned to Lehto Group Plc without consideration. The returned shares are shares given to a key person as an incentive bonus, which have been returned to the company in accordance with the bonus agreement.

Following the transfer, Lehto Group Plc holds a total of 203,424 of its own shares.


Further information:

Veli-Pekka Paloranta
Chief Financial Officer
[email protected]
+358 400 944 074


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