Lehto Group Plc: Change in Lehto Group Plc´s Board of Directors
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Lehto Group Plc: Change in Lehto Group Plc´s Board of Directors

Lehto Group Plc
Stock exchange release
5 December 2022 at 7.00 p.m. (EET)

Hannu Lehto, Chairman of the Lehto Group Plc´s Board of Directors, is moving from the role of chairman of the board to a member of the board at his own request as of 5 December 2022. The Board has elected, from among its members, Eero Sihvonen as the new Chairman. Anne Korkiakoski, Helena Säteri and Jani Nokkanen will continue as other members of the Board.

As Eero Sihvonen is taking the role as Chairman of the Board, the Board of Directors has elected Anne Korkiakoski as new Chairman of the Audit committee. Eero Sihvonen and Hannu Lehto act as the members of the committee.

Further information:
Veli-Pekka Paloranta
Tel. +358 400 944 074

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