Lea bank ASA - The Norwegian FSA has granted necessary approval for the merger of Lea bank ASA and Lea Bank AB
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Lea bank ASA - The Norwegian FSA has granted necessary approval for the merger of Lea bank ASA and Lea Bank AB

Reference is made to previous stock exchange announcements on 21 August 2024 and 26 September 2024, regarding the merger between Lea bank ASA and Lea Bank AB, as approved by the Board of Directors and the General Meeting.

The implementation of the merger was conditional upon, amongst other, required permissions and approvals from the Swedish and Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authorities (FSA). The Norwegian FSA has now granted the necessary approval for the execution of the merger between Lea bank ASA and Lea Bank AB. The merger is still depending on the approval from the Swedish FSA.

Lea Bank AB holds a Swedish banking license and will be the surviving entity in the merger.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Contact information:

Oddbjørn Berentsen, CEO

Phone: +47 22 99 14 00

Email: ir@leabank.no

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