Launch of the Eleventh Public Bond Issue Programme - Börskollen
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Launch of the Eleventh Public Bond Issue Programme

The Management Board of KRUK S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on April 19th 2024 it passed a resolution to launch the Eleventh Bond Issue Programme (the “Programme”) with a total nominal value of up to PLN 900m, under which the Company may issue public bonds (“Bonds”). The Bonds will be in book-entry form.

In connection with the Programme, the Company has prepared issue prospectus (the “Prospectus”). The Company will file the Prospectus and an application for its approval with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
Individual series of Bonds under the Programme will be issued during the 12 months from the Prospectus approval by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Individual Bond issues may differ with respect to their final issue terms and conditions, in particular with respect to the rules of defining interest and the interest rate. Detailed issue terms and conditions of each Bond series will be defined in the Prospectus and in the final issue terms and conditions of individual Bond issues.

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