Lamor innovates with new technology for low-sulphur fuel oils recovery in EU’s IMAROS2 project - trials this week in Finland

Lamor Corporation Plc | Press Release | February 11, 2025 at 12:30:00 EET
In response to the challenges posed by new low-sulphur marine fuel oils, Lamor is developing solutions for the recovery of these oils. As part of EU’s IMAROS2 project, Lamor is searching for answers to the identified gaps in response technology and methods.
Ship accidents can result in oil spills. While EU’s so-called sulphur directive demands the use of the low-sulphur fuel oils in every sea area in Europe, the established oil spill response equipment base is not fully suited for its recovery. In this situation, new innovations are needed.
“Our technology has been proven robust and reliable in many of the world's worst oil spills around the globe. To utilise authorities and organisations’ existing equipment base in a sustainable manner, our solution for LFSO recovery will primarily be based on accessories that can be applied to current oil recovery systems. That is a way to save resources”, says Markus Nystedt, head of engineering at Lamor.
Three trial periods are arranged under controlled conditions in test facilities in Norway and Finland. First one took place last autumn in Norway. This week response in icy winter conditions is tested in Finland, at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) in Kotka. The final trials will take place in Norway in the spring.
”The modified bucket skimmer is recovering oil better than expected, with some minor fine tuning it will be a very efficient and versatile tool for recovering of all types low sulphur fuel oils year around”, tells Mathias Lindroos, Director of Environmental Protection Portfolio. “We have over 40 years of experience in preventing, preparing for and cleaning maritime environmental incidents. As a pioneer in this industry, we must always be prepared to innovate new solutions for the changing needs. This new application will complement our selection of vital oil spill response technology to protect the environment.”
Lamor has decades of experience in innovation and know-how of oil spill response technology and prevention. Its technology and services help to protect sensitive sea areas and coasts from the negative effects of potential oil spill.
Read more about the IMAROS2 project:
Further information:
Markus Nystedt, head of engineering, Lamor
tel. +358 400 297 892, [email protected]