Koskisen Corporation – Manager’s transactions - Börskollen
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Koskisen Corporation – Manager’s transactions

Koskisen Corporation stock exchange release, December 2, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. EET

Koskisen Corporation – Manager’s transactions

Koskisen Oyj - Managers' Transactions
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Hannu-Kalle Reponen
Position: Member of the Board/Deputy member
6 / 7
Issuer: Koskisen Oyj
LEI: 9845000D85046ECFFF27
Notification type: AMENDMENT
Reference number: 21751/4/4
Amendment comment:
Virheellinen transaktiolaji, pitäisi olla merkintä eikä hankinta
Transaction date: 2022-11-30
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI4000533005
Nature of the transaction: SUBSCRIPTION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 7500 Unit price: 5.53 EUR
Aggregated transactions
(1): Volume: 7500 Volume weighted average price: 5.53 EUR

For more information, please contact:
Karri Louko, CFO, Koskisen Corporation
puh. +358 20 553 4562

Koskisen is a more than a century old international wood processing expert known for its agility and ability to listen to the customer. We utilise our valuable wood raw material as thoroughly as possible, down to the last particle of sawdust. At the same time, we are bringing the best carbon narrative to life: We manufacture high-quality and sustainable products that store carbon for decades. The Group’s revenue in 2021 was EUR 311 million. Read more: koskisen.fi.

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