Kebni receives strategic order to complete SAAB NLAW IMU development at an accelerated pace and initiate preparation for series volume production, total order value 8.2 MSEK

KebNi AB (publ.) has received an order to finalize the Saab NLAW IMU development, and to do so at an accelerated pace, with a widened project scope
Stockholm, 21 April 2022 – Today, Kebni announces a strategic 8.2 MSEK order from Saab regarding the tailored IMU that Kebni develops for Saab´s NLAW system. This new order covers all remaining stages of the development phase, and the initial preparation for series volume production.
Upon request from Saab, Kebni has significantly compressed the timeline for the development and the production preparations, while safeguarding high risk and quality management standards.
Preparations for serial production is anticipated to start alongside the ordered development phase.
The collaboration with Saab consists of both development and series product deliveries. This order relates to the development phase, including preparations for series volume production, and will be finalized in second half of 2023. The series product delivery phase, including finalization of production preparations, remains to be ordered.
“Kebni’ s unique flexibility is again proving itself as an enabler, as the project sees an overnight change from counting time in years to months and weeks. We are proud to contribute with key functionality to this game-changing system that’s been in newspaper headlines daily.” – Erik Winther, Head of Sales
For more information contact, CEO Torbjörn Saxmo on +46 (0) 70-916 14 82.