Jumpgate makes a conversion share issue of debt comprising ca 0
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Jumpgate makes a conversion share issue of debt comprising ca 0.7 MSEK

Jumpgate´s board of directors has decided to make a conversion share issue of 114 394 shares directed to ATO Consulting GmbH, Daniel Kuhn and Stephan Reichart. The subscription price is 6 SEK per share. The share issue is done based on the mandate from the Extra General Meeting on June 18, 2024.

Through the share issue, debt of a total value of 686 364 SEK is converted to equity. The price per share is 6 SEK, the equivalent of the latest rights issue in the company and is done at a premium to the listed share price.

Background and Motivation
The purpose of the conversion of debt to equity is to decrease the debt level of the company.

Increase of share capital and number of shares
The registered share capital of the company is increased by 315 038.45 SEK and the directed conversion share issue has a dilutive effect of ca 1 percent based on the total number of shares following the share issue. After the share issue, the total number of shares and votes in the company comprise 11 699 560 and the registered share capital amounts to 32 220 319.66 SEK.

For additional information
Harald Riegler CEO, Jumpgate AB Phone: +46 (0)705 - 54 73 33 E-mail: [email protected]

About the Company
Jumpgate AB is an independent group of game development companies founded in 2011, comprising five game studios: Nukklear (Hannover), Tivola Games (Hamburg), gameXcite (Hamburg), Funatics (Düsseldorf) and Tableflip Entertainment (Visby). The group develops and publishes its own games as well as developing games and other digital products for external companies. The companies in the group have established collaborations with strong industry partners and exciting product portfolios with large potential. The group is engaged in the global market, distributing games on a worldwide basis and has a large international network. For more information: www.jumpgategames.se 

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