John Mattson adopts new long-term sustainability targets - Börskollen
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John Mattson adopts new long-term sustainability targets

John Mattson has adopted new long-term sustainability targets including science-based climate targets. The new targets are to steer the company’s operations toward more sustainable development and contribute to achieving the vision of “Great neighbourhoods across generations.”

John Mattson’s four most material and prioritised sustainability areas are: dynamic and safe local communities; responsible material and waste management; energy-efficient and fossil-free solutions; and healthy and inspiring workplace. Our materiality analysis is based on stakeholder dialogues, continuous monitoring of the operating environment and analysis of the company’s climate impact. Work within the framework of these areas also contributes to several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Within the four focus areas, John Mattson has now adopted the following new long-term sustainability targets:

Dynamic and safe local communities

  • John Mattson has safe neighbourhoods, and safety surveys with residents show we outperform the industry average for comparable areas.
  • John Mattson has attractive neighbourhoods, confirmed by attractiveness surveys with residents, which show we score higher than the industry average.   

Responsible material and waste management, and energy-efficient and fossil-free solutions

  • By 2030, John Mattson will have reduced its Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% compared with the base year of 2021.
  • John Mattson will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from new builds and redevelopments on a per square metre basis to match or better the property sector average.

Healthy and inspiring workplaces

  • John Mattson engages its employees and has an efficient organisation as confirmed by employee surveys that score above the average results of comparable companies.
  • John Mattson has an inclusive culture that enables the company to attract and retain employees with various backgrounds and perspectives. The recruitment process is competence-based and free from discrimination.
  • The proportion of women or men is not to exceed two thirds within the company, management and the Board of Directors.
  • Absenteeism among John Mattson’s employees should not exceed 3%.
  • John Mattson aims to have zero accidents leading to absenteeism of over one day at our workplaces. This applies both for John Mattson’s own personnel and for contracted personnel working for John Mattson. 

“Sustainability is central for John Mattson and comprises an integrated component of our business model. By setting clear targets for each of our focus areas, we are further increasing our ambitions for and focus on sustainability. In the next step, action plans will be developed and the organisation will be strengthened to deliver these targets. John Mattson’s vision is to create great neighbourhoods across generations and our new sustainability targets are being set to contribute to achieving our vision,” says Per Nilsson, CEO of John Mattson.

Lidingö, 30 June 2022
John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Per Nilsson, CEO of John Mattson
+46 (0)72-224 90 28,
[email protected]

About John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB (publ)
John Mattson is a residential property company with 4,500 rental apartments as well as commercial premises in five municipalities in the Stockholm region: Lidingö, Sollentuna, Stockholm, Nacka and Upplands Väsby. As of 31 March 2022, the property value was SEK 16.9 billion. The focus of the company’s strategy is on property management, adding value, densification and acquisitions. The management of John Mattson’s properties is characterised by an overall perspective and close customer relationships. The company’s goal is to create great neighbourhoods across generations. John Mattson’s shares are listed under the symbol JOMA on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap. Read more at: and

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