Invitation to the presentation of Ratos Year-end report 2023 - Börskollen
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Invitation to the presentation of Ratos Year-end report 2023

The Year-end report 2023 will be released on Monday 12 February at 07.00 CET.

At 09.00 CET will Jonas Wiström, President and CEO, and Jonas Ågrup, CFO, present the report.

The presentation can be followed on Youtube via the following link;
The live presentation will be recorded and is available afterwards via the same link.

Participants who wish to ask questions live are asked to pre-register, please send an e-mail to in advance for a personal invitation.

The presentation and report will be available on after publication.

Representatives of the media are welcome to contact Josefine Uppling, VP Communication, for interview requests.

For further information, please contact:
Josefine Uppling, Vice President Communication
+46 76 114 54 21

About Ratos
Ratos is a business group consisting of 17 companies divided into three business areas: Construction & Services, Consumer and Industry. The companies have approximately SEK 34 billion in net sales (LTM). Our business concept is to own and develop companies that are or can become market leaders. We have a distinct corporate culture and strategy – everything we do is based on our core values: Simplicity, Speed in execution and It’s All About People. We enable independent companies to excel by being part of something larger. People, leadership, culture and values are key focus areas.

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